Just as expected, Judge Sotomayor will face political opposition from Republican Party.
Yesterday, Sotomayor got nominated by President Barack Obama to become first latina Supreme Court's Justice. Most of the Democrats and some Republicans were thrilled with her nomination. However, the good portion of Republican Party opposes her nomination because they claim that Sotomayor is a liberal activist who is pushing for a liberal agenda. Also, her political views on abortion and gun laws are major concerns for those who oppose her nomination.
For the next few days, the opponents to Sotomayor's nomination will search for any dispute records that she has to prevent the nomination. So far, the opponent can point out her "reverse racism" attitude where she might be biased toward whites. The one incident is when Sotomayor struck down white firefighter's claim of reverse discrimination. No one knows the detail of the ruling yet, but some finds the ruling to be awkward. In addition, they will try to find any information regarding to her tax records or any federal dispute.
Even if Republican shows efforts to stop the nomination, they are still in disadvantage due to their low numbers of seating. Democrats have nearly 60 seats in Senates where Republicans have about 40. Hence, there is a high chance that Sotomayor may win the nomination without the Republican's support. Even among the Republicans, some supports the nomination of Sotomayor. For this reason, the opponents have to convince it fellow Republicans first.
On other hand, the supporters of Sotomayor's nomination is keeping quite so she will maintain her spotlight in media.
source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/28/us/politics/28web-court.html?hp
Taka Laka's Comment:
I am not surprised by the opposition, but seriously, the Republicans need to come up with better strategy to win the support. Yes, searching for her tax record may help to hurt her image as a justice, but it barely means anything. This is not a general election where politicians need to convince general populations through political propaganda or false ads. Only possible way to block her nomination is to convince the Democratic Senators.
Also, I read the article that said Republicans will bring full out opposition to Sotomayor. First of all, what kind of strategists will go head to head against with the opponents with advantage in numbers and supports? In fact, their opposition may well hurt the chance to win the upcoming General Election because the latinos will have an impression that Republicans doesn't like them. President Obama can just state that he nominated the first latina Supreme Court's Justice. Even worse, if the Republicans loses the battle, they have will have an impression of weak party.
I repetitively stated that Republican Party needs to change their political approach and strategy.
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