Yesterday, the U.S. government had accidentally published the list of U.S. nuclear site on Internet. The cause of publication of nuclear site is still unknown; however, President Obama and other officials stated that America is still safe because the information were generally known to public already.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/03/us/03nuke.html?_r=1&hpw
Taka Laka:
Do you trust this article?
I have sited my sources in all of my posts, but they are the articles those were written by other people. Hence, the information can be falsified.
U.S. government knows how much medias affect people's mind. If they intend to cause panic in public, they would make a headline news like swine flu. Only after a day, everyone around us made a big deal about swine flu.

On other hand, no one like to hear a word "nuclear" because it causes fears.
So what if the information on nuclear sites were indeed classified instead of unclassified? After all, what kind of leaders want to panic their own people?
The potential of public panic on nuclear fear is immense. It can cause the U.S. economy and social orders to be dysfunctional. So it would be unwise for the government to tell us that the leaked information on nuclear sites were "classified" or "dangerous". But on other hand, is it right for government to lie for sake of Americans, if the the list of nuclear sites has potential to harm Americans?
Again, is this article stating it's truth? Are any articles stating the truth? Is government manipulating our minds?
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