May 29, 2009

Abortion Right Activists Annoyed By Sotomayor

Judge Sotomayor has received skepticism from liberal activists days after President Barack Obama nominated her for U.S. Supreme Court Justice. The skepticism toward Sotomayor grew from her judicial records toward abortion rights. According to the activists, there are numbers of court cases where Sotomayor took stand against abortions. Hence, the activists are worried about whether the decision of Roe vs Wade will be upheld or not.

In addition, the evidence of Sotomayor's stance against abortion can be drawn from her criticism toward China enhancing forced abortion for population control. Furthermore, the skepticism grew from her cultural background too since Latinos are largest anti-abortion group in Democratic Party.

However, some Conservatives and Republicans disagree with the activists since even the most radical feminists can oppose forced abortion. Also, the public needs to be aware about the possibility of her being "stealth judge", where Judge Souter was one of them. Judge Souter, who was appointed by the first George W. Bush, believed to be Conservatives who opposed abortion. However, Souter became a swing voter who upheld Roe vs Wade landmark decision. Hence, Sotomayor might be in same category.



Comment by Taka Laka:

I will admit, I thought Sotomayor will not face any major opposition except from Republican Party, but I was wrong. I probably should have been skeptical toward Sotomayor during my first post about Sotomayor's nomination after she said.

“our experiences as women and people of color affect our decisions.” - Sotomayor

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” - Sotomayor

Now, just read Sotomayor's quotes, there are possibility that she has her own bias towards some issue, especially the social issues like abortion and gay marriage.

However, we also have to keep in mind that Sotomayor is not campaigning for the General Election. Sotomayor was nominated to become Supreme Court Justice. For this reason, Sotomayor might have been showing off her personality aside from her professional life as a judge. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Sotomayor doesn't know any political strategy on what people can say on media.

For President Obama, like I said in previous posts on Sotomayor, I am certainly unsure on why he chose Sotomayor as a nominee. If Sotomayor is indeed, against abortion, there are high chance that some Senators from Democratic Party will side with Republicans. Which means if Sotomayor's nomination get blocked by the Senates, the vote will hurt the Democrats in the next election since they might lose Latinos support. For this reason, again, I am not sure whether President Obama nominated Sotomayor to gain support from Latinos and make it historical, or he actually made a decision through series of interviews.

1 comment:

  1. She has made some questionable calls on fightfighters and gun control. I think nobody will really know until she gets on the bench. I have read from a few places that she is a bully on the bench. Maybe these are rumors but quite a few people have agreed with this assessment.



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