May 25, 2009

Alliances Made In Middle East

Since the U.S. led invasion to Afgahnistan began after the attack of 9-11, Taliban has aggressively expanded its power from Afgahnistan to Pakistan regions. After committing to series of efforts to stop the Tabilan from expanding, the leaders of both nation turned to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran.

The decision to rely on Iran was made because the problem with Islamic Extremists can be dealt better with the people from the Middle East itself, not the Western nations. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that he wanted to help out these two nations; however, the interaction from the United States has created the set back to the efforts to stop Taliban.

Using this moment as an opportunity, President Barack Obama decideds to begin diplomatic talk with Iran again. The President hasn't decided when yet, but he is looking into the time during the election in Iran.

comment by Taka Laka:
Just like everyone else, I am very skeptical about whether this alliance would actually work, or even worse, I am not sure if the alliance would last. However, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pointed one good point. The U.S. interaction in middle east has created series of problem. The concept of democracy sounds great to us, but that never means our political system would work on other nations. Yet, that never means that we cannot interact with these nations. Us, as a nation, needs to be careful and give respect to these nation's culture and history when serious political actions such as war.

Collin Powell critisizes both Cheney and Obama

After the separate speech has been made by President Obama and former vice president Dick Cheney, Collin Powell came out to media criticizing both leaders.

Collin Powell, who identify himself as Republican and a former secretary of states, supports Mr. Obama's idea to close Guantanamo prison. Even before Mr. Obama came into the office as the President, Mr. Powell urged previous Bush Administration to close down Gitmo because he believed that the prison is surviving no purpose other than endangering American's Safety by luring the terrorists. However, Collin Powell also criticized Mr. Obama for not having a solid plan on how to close Gitmo and the detainees.

On other hand, Mr. Powell criticized Dick Cheney for leading the Republican Party to more far left. Since Mr. Bush took over the office, the Republican Party has moved from center right toward right away. In other words, the party has been moving away from the general public. Hence, Mr. Powell urged the party to reconnect with the general public to regain their political ground against the Democrats.

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Just like how many major corporates around the world is restructuring their business to regain their ground on economy, the Republican Party should do the same. Their ideas on economy and social issues are respectable; however, the same strategy wouldn't work recursively for decades. As the time goes by, the political approach must be adjusted too.

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